MASUBL Light Ripper

Light Ripper

These are the ripper models available for MASUBL series. You will see an illustrative image of the serie, its general characteristics and a table with all available models from Durable.

Characteristics of MASUBL series

  • Comes with 1 ¼" steel plows.
  • Max working depth 21".
  • Autoleveling.


Cut Width in (ft)


Width Timon

Plows Spacing

Weight (lb)

MASUBL 3 1.60 m (5.2 ft) 3 1 ¼" 80 cm (2.6 ft) 440 kg (970 lb)
MASUBL 5 2.40 m (7.8 ft) 5 1 ¼" 60 cm (1.9 ft) 630 kg (1,369 lb)
MASUBL 7 3.60 m (11.8 ft) 7 1 ¼" 60 cm (1.9 ft)  765 kg (1,687 lb)
Sizes, properties or conditions may vary within some practical limits
without affecting the operation of the equipment significantly.